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发布:2010-02-21  |  条目 10  |  浏览 6354  |  评论 27  |   全站用户可见
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  • 10大中国志    2010-07-17
    明代交通的重啟是中國歷史上的大事。利瑪竇等第一批耶穌會士進入中國,不僅傳入天主教也向中國介紹西方的科學文化;同時,中國的文化思想、哲學歷史等更是透過這批傳教士揚名於歐陸,引起一場「中學西漸」的浪潮,其中《大中國志》一書則有著舉足輕重的影響力。    作者曾德昭,葡萄牙人,十七歲入耶穌會,1620年以後在中國佈道和開闢新教區,1637年返歐後開始撰寫本書,共分兩部分,第一部乃作者多年的見聞,紀錄中各地的物產及制度、風俗、語言、服飾、宗教等情況;第二部則描述耶穌會士在中國傳教的經過。  全書巧妙的結合了小說的趣味和歷史的真實,引領讀者徜徉在中國的文化寶庫之中,使人讀來回味無窮,更可作為研究此一時期傳教史的第一手資料。
  • 9独白下的传统    2010-07-17
    这样子的悲剧命运,使千年的庞大文字遗产,只表露了庞大的繁琐与悲哀。中国千年的文字障中,没有大气魄的诗、没有大气魄的剧、没有大气魄的小说,也没有大气魄的作品。没有好的表达法、没有像样的结构、没有不贫乏的新境界,也没有震撼世界的文艺思潮。表达的方式,至多只在一首小诗、一阙小词、一段小令、一篇小品、一个小故事里打滚,足以自豪的 任何作品,在新世界的文学尺度下,都要打回票。中国知识分 子的表达力,至多只是表达一点粗浅的浮情,忧国也好、非战 也好、田园也好、香直也好、铁板高唱也好、儿女私情也好…… 除了在最低浅的层面上,吟咏低唱一阵或乘兴挥毫一笔外,便 不能再深入,或因深入而浅出。中国知识分子是集体失败的,集体铸造了历史的纵线失败。我常常想:一部《儒林外史》的部分好题材,在任何二流三流的西方文人手里,都不曾有吴敬样那样糟糕的处理、那样可怕的结构,而吴敬棒已算得上是我们中国文学史上的特级文豪。中国摇笔杆的真失败! 在这种纵线的失败中,中国人了解中国,已经很难从知识分子的文字障中得到满足,知识分子败北之日,就是愚夫愚妇“罗通扫北”之时。当愚夫愚妇装了满脑袋的孟姜女、包龙图。木兰从军、三娘教子、游龙戏凤、九命奇冤的时候,他们对中国的了解,也就真够瞧的了!
  • 8The big short    2010-07-03
    Michael Lewis has written from the perspective of a financial insider for more than 20 years. His first book, Liar's Poker, was a warts-and-all account of Wall Street culture in the 1980s, when Lewis worked at the investment bank Salomon Brothers. Everything Lewis has touched since has turned to gold, and The Big Short seems to be another of those books, combining an incendiary, timely topic with the author's solid, insightful, and witty investigative reporting. Only the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette criticized what it felt was a rush job of writing and a failure to integrate the individual stories. Few readers will care for the message here (despite laugh-out-loud moments of absurdity), but Lewis is a capable guide into the world of CDOs, subprime mortgages, head-in-the-sand investments, inflated egos--and the big short. However, as Entertainment Weekly points at, if you're only going to read one book on the topic, perhaps this should not be the one.
  • 7hedgehogging    2010-06-28
    Rare is the opportunity to chat with a legendary financial figure and hear the unvarnished truth about what really goes on behind the scenes. Hedgehogging represents just such an opportunity, allowing you to step inside the world of Wall Street with Barton Biggs as he discusses investing in general, hedge funds in particular, and how he has learned to find and profit from the best moneymaking opportunities in an eat-what-you-kill, cutthroat investment world.
  • 6毛泽东自传    2010-06-22
  • 5when genius failed    2010-06-14
    The arbitrageur's world is a complicated one, and it might have served Lowenstein well to slow down and explain in greater detail the complex terms of the more exotic species of investment flora that cram the book's pages. However, much of the intrigue of the Long-Term story lies in its dizzying pace (not to mention the dizzying amounts of money won and lost in the fund's short lifespan). Lowenstein's smooth, conversational but equally urgent tone carries it along well. The book is a compelling read for those who've always wondered what lay behind the Fed's controversial involvement with the LTCM hedge-fund debacle. --S. Ketchum --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
  • 4傅雷家书    2010-05-15
  • 3The Black Swan    2010-05-02
    The Black Swan Theory is used by Nassim Nicholas Taleb to explain the existence and occurrence of high-impact, hard-to-predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations. Unlike the philosophical "black swan problem", the "Black Swan Theory" (capitalized) refers only to unexpected events of large magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such events are considered extreme outliers.It is noteworthy that in his writings, Taleb never uses the term "Black Swan Theory"; instead, he refers to "Black Swan Events"
  • 2杜拉拉升职记    2010-05-02
  • http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%AF%8C%E6%98%A5%E5%B1%B1%E5%B1%85%E5%9B%BE
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